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This is Something too hard.......:s

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I started my long distance relationship more clearly should say cyber relationship 3 years ago which is oceanly apart.. It's been sooo perfect and I have never felt so much in love and have never given a person this much love to anybody else in my life. Till few days ago I was told he is suffering from uncurable cancer, my mind collapse.

All these days, i feel like crying. I dont know what to do. aloneness and hopelessness is always around me. It's like all the dreams we have made before to be to together will be shattered. But only one thing I cannot be more sure than ever that I really love him alot and the absense of him even for a min is killing me. Even though maybe I would never meet him, as long as he's there, everything is working out with me, but....

I dont know what i'm going to do for my life now. As he said, dont waste ur best time on me, U deserve better.. this can only make my motion down to the seabed and I dont think I could do this love ever again to anybody other than him..


IS this the destiny?? How could it be a happy ending?

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The response this person has of telling you that you deserve better and not to waste your time on them is their method of pushing you away now so they don't get hurt worse later, and so you also can start moving on. But what you need to decide is if you can be there for them, even if only online, and more importanting if you WANT to be there for them during this time.


As far as what to do in your life without him, you'll get there. Life is never meant to be easy, and it has a tendency to throw you curve balls in order to help you grow. I lost my mother to cancer a year ago, and I've learned a lot about myself and my own strength during that ordeal and since then. What is important right now is that you are there for him and you show him that he is loved. When he tries to push you away, don't let him, because he really needs all the love and support he can have right now. However, what he is facing is extremely difficult to accept.


Take comfort in the knowledge that you were a part of his life and you were able to know him. Count yourself blessed. If you need anything, more advice, just someone to talk to, anything...please don't hesitate to PM me.

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