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little gift for valentines

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hello again everyone, it's me back with another questoin, lol


I just wanted to see what everyone else thinks of this, and if I'm going overboard, cuz that's always what I'm afraid of, cuz I'm a hopeless romantic n everything.


There's this girl that I really like, and she really likes me. I'm going to start "making my moves" so to speak. And I was planning on leaving those little candy hearts in her locker, cuz she's done that to me before. And then on Thursday, since we don't have school Friday, I was going to leave a little teddy bear and rose in her locker with a note that says something like "I think you're my good luck" since Friday is Friday the 13th. And then on the back I would ask her "Would you like to go to a moive sometime" and then say "I love you, too" in another language because she's written "I love you" to me in a few different languages.


I tried to keep this relatively short, and she really likes me and has had...."thoughts" about me . So I was just wondering if you guys thought that was too much or what. Thanks for reading/posting.



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