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i've just got a question: i've read on a post somewhere that if your ex calls you.. you should find out with they are calling you because they miss the feeling of having someone to be with.. or if they are really missing YOU...okay.. and how to you figure that out? if they call you, they are techincally doing the both interchangably... and they will for sure talk to you as if they are missing YOU (when in fact they just miss having that someone there...)


Any suggestions people?

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It's very hard to differentiate that one. Listen to key things they say or how they sound. Are they upbeat and happy and just calling to say hi? Maybe something reminded them of you and they decided to give a harmless call. Or are they calling just to appease you. I did that to an ex of mine, I knew he was hurting and I felt bad for breaking his heart so I would just call to cheer him with no intention getting back together with him when in all reality that wasn't the right thing to do to him. He was still hanging on thinking I would come back to him when i had no intention of that.

Did he or she break up with you? There's a lot depending on this situation.

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