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Please help i lost my love

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i met this girl at college about 4 months ago and didnt think much of it because i wasnt looking for anything but we started dating and for a couple weeks and became boyfriend and girlfriend and things were awesome until i had some family troubles at home and took some time away from here then we got back together agian and now im in love with her but she wont take me back. she lived a very seltered live and never went out much until she met me but now she hangs around and goes out to bars with my friends and it is killing me i tried talking to her about how i feel but she wont give me a honest anwser i dont know what to do i see her everyday and it just eats me up i tryed not talking to her thinking she needs time to grow but she will call me and i love her to much not to talk 2 her. i did everything i can think of if anyone has any ideas please let me know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Greetings lostchild,


Let me be the first to welcome you to eNotAlone.com on behalf of everyone here.


First of all i would suggest when your in school is to go up to her and ask if you can have a word in private and explain that you still have feelings for her and ask her for an honest answer. Or when your out with your mates at the bars and she tags along ask her while your mates are bying the drinks. If you love her tell her, i mean you've already been out before i mean you obviously had a posative influence on her if she's had a sheltered life and didn't go out much and now she does. Did you ever discuss any of your problems with her, i know it my sound stupid but she might of felt left out or ignored when you were having family problems. Be open and honest with her let her know your feelings and if she doesn't give you a proper answer then i would guess that she just want's to be friends which at least you havn't lost her completely.


Hope this has helped, all the best.


- whitefang

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