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Is it worth it?


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Hi, there.


Okay, here's the scoop. I'm a 14 year old kid, not too bad looking, and don't really like people around my age group... I tend to come online to find friends that are more understanding and caring in situations.


Anyway, I've been playing an online game, and during visiting one of the game's fansites I got this crush on this chick.


She's 21, real lush, caring, funny, ect. and I am pathetically in love with her! I've only been dating her online for a few weeks... Anyway, she feels the same way, but there's a problem. I live in Australia, she lives in Texas. I'm going out with a 21 year old, which I really doubt my mum would approve of, and I don't have the money to contact her via phone or meet her...


She said that she would buy a mic so that she can talk to me, but my USB ports on my computer are screwed, so nothing works with them... I really, REALLY like her, and I wanna have at least some way of contacting her besides online!


My question here is, is it really worth hanging it out for the girl of my dreams when I can't even meet her or have my parents approve of her? Don't get me wrong; I wouldn't worry so much about mum if I didn't have to ask her for help with meeting this girl. Any advice or feedback would be helpful!


Thanks in advance,


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well maybe you will end up seeing her. i do worry about the age gap though, i mean do you know for sure that this isn't some weirdo that likes to mess with young people or not. im not trying to sound mean it's just im worried about you. but other than that i don't see a problem with going out with someone older, my mom and step dad have a what is it 8-10 year gap, something like that. well you're talking about a physical relationship though, bad idea for your age, be careful!

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Yeah, I mean like a physical one when I'm older. (Assuming I'm not gonna be flying to Texas anytime soon. lol) I know that she's not a creep, and thanks for the concern. I'd make sure I see her on Web Cam and hear her on Audio/Phone before I made any final decisions.


Thanks! Oh, and when you said your parents have that age gap, they're a lot older. I'm a teenager, she's a adult. They might have been both adults when they met... Anyway, thanks for that.

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hi mysterio

I'm kind of worried about that age gap myself, not to mention the distance! Australia is pretty far away from Texas! I think it's great that you get along so well with this woman, but I would recommend that you keep it as an online friendship (at least until you are old enough for it not to be illegal!) In the US, she could go to jail for a physical relationship with you even if you consented! Long distance relationships are really rough, even when you are in the same country and closer in age. You are so young, you should be hanging out with lots of girls and taking it slow, there is plenty of time for a serious relationship with someone later!

Enjoy this girl's friendship as an online companion, but for now, I wouldn't be looking to take it any further...best of luck!



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Okay, let me clear this up... lol I'm not thinking physical or anything now; I mean if we ever did meet up. (I would be pretty old by then!)


I don't really like girls my age, as well. Not sterotyping all girls, but the one's around my age in this area have a weird sense of taste for guys and relationships only last a week - a month at most... It's hardly worth it. I think you can see where I'm coming from. I don't mind talking to girls and being friends, though. Only thing is, I was depressed because I was so loney... I really needed more than friendship, you know, and I hardly had any of that, either.


I really like her, so I don't really wanna have just a friendship, but I'll keep it safe like you said and see where it goes online. We're both pretty content with that right now, anyway. Perhaps I'm diving into future plans too fast...


Thanks, guys.

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  • 4 weeks later...

First of all, she is a girl of your DREAMS (in your words). Not reality. Second of all, you are under age and if the both of you should meet in real life, she can get in BIG time legal trouble if anything romantic occurs.

You did state that you have a bigtime crush on her...this is perfectly normal, you will have several more crushes before you are 20 years old. But please keep in mind, that anything online is based on wishful thinking...a fantasy not based on reality.

Nothing against you..but why is she (an adult) talking serious stuff with a 14 yr old anyway? Granted, you sound very mature for your age..but honey, yer jailbait! As a parent of a 14 year old myself, I am very uncomfortable with the thought that an adult would want a serious relationship with my kid albeit online, makes me wonder WHY she is doing that in the first place.

Please, oh please be careful...there are people out there that enjoy playing mindgames..especially on the younger ones.

Sorry if it sounds like Im preaching...hey, Im a mum..and I care just like all the other good mums in the world!

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