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My boyfriends best friend is a creep

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I really dont know how much longer I can control my resentment towards my b.f.s best friend. They have been friends since they were in kindergarten, he is now 24. Theyve been through everything together, and now, we have been together over a year, they barely see each other. Not only do they have the oddest man-man relationship (they still wrestle around and even as we speak he is sleeping over my b.f;s house) but he is the most obnoxious person you would ever meet. My b.f. is staerting to resent me for not liking his best friend. Why am I so jealous... I cant really hise it anymore I just wanna screm at the both of them!!!!! I know that this is not right for me to do so I need help. How do I handle this. I am so insanely jealous of how close they are that it makes me sick to even hear him say "Jays over, we're just hangin out." HELP PLEASE!!

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I would recommend that you relax, you have nothing to be jealous over. Lifelong friends are gonna be closer regardless, and it's rare to have two people still be friends for almost twenty years, and if push came to shove, he'd probably pick the friend of twenty years over the girlfriend. Sorry, but that's what I see in the case.

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I have to agree. Just like girls need their girlfriends, guys need their guy time. Do you have days you hang out with the girls, go shopping, go to a movie, or anything? If not, see what you can do about getting something together there - if you have outside hanging out time as well as him, it might not seem like such a big deal as if you're feeling it's taking time away from your relationship.


Healthy and well balanced relationships have two people in them who have other strong relationships as well - that he's had a friend for this many years bodes well for your relationship, because he's learned the compromises and give and take that comes with maintaining long term relationships.


Try and make sure you make time for you and your friends and interests, and let him have time for his, and remind yourself it's still you who's his gf and love interest. His friend isn't a threat to you, and annoying or not, that friendship is part of what's made him the person you love.

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My friend david is a terrible thing to put on this world. He is terrible to women and has never had a feeling go through his body. Most people like him at first, then they hate him afterwards. Every girl I dated hated him, but he kept strait when it came to my love life. I could go visit him and whoever he was dating and know that this chick is going to get sooooo ticked at him. He was kind of my anti-role model. You could think of what he would do, and do the opposite.


Twice I was dating someone (non-serious/2 different people) and they winded up seeing him. Of course I knew where that would go. They winded up coming back to me, but I couldn't respect myself taking someone back after they slept with david.


Now I'm not going to say that you are going to hook it up with this dude, but what I am saying is that he kept me strait. I didn't want to treat women the way he does.


Funny thing is we were able to work out our relationship without arguing or anything. And I havn't known him for 20 years. Twice this didn't come in the way of us.


You would be making a mistake by doing anything in this situation. It would be rude and selfish anyways. When I think back, most of my ex-es friends were people I hated, but I wasn't dating them. I was dating the one I was interested in.

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