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I seem to have done something right...


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So i was at work yesterday in London( im a touch up artist ) and for the first hour or so i don't normally have much to do while they take the pictures and decide which ones they want me to play with, well one of the girls there for the shoot came up to me and started chatting, i guess i was the only one they're not looking super rushed and busy and no one really knew each other expect for me and 2 project leaders. well she sat down and started talking to me and asked why i was there etc. then what seemed like only a few mins she got called away, after shed finished her shoot she came and sat back down with me for like an hour and we just spoke, it didn't really hit me for a while but she was free to leave after the pics had been taken. but yeah i think we hit it of, had a good chat and she seemed to respond well showing all the right signs, then it happened, i got called off to collect my pictures, and i had to start work, she asked if she could watch at first, and i did my job as always but i felt really guilty and awkward, i mean here i was removing spots from her face and trimming her waist in... she didnt say much while i was doing that she just kinda sat there and stared.. i could imagine how horrible it would be. up to then i knew i had no chance, i mean thats like me chatting up someone in the street, then pulling out a makeup bag and "fixing" theyre face up. but she stayed and invited me to the pub after, we had a really good chat, i bought up the whole photo thing and she seemed cool with it, this morning ( like 20 mins ago ) i got a text from her asking if im free on the weekend and fancy going up to london for a night out.


Shes really pretty ( its her job after all ) and i enjoyed talking to her, i just cant work out the attraction from her part, is it i made her feel insecure? is she after some free work for her portfolio? im not always so skeptical but this just seems a little strange to me that shed be interested , especially after the photo thing...


another thing is londons about an hour train journey for me, so if i were to go up id have to stay the night at hers, will she think im after something if i mention that? or should i book a cheap hotel just incase? ( if i go )

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hmmm... well you don't know her- so all of those suspicions you have about free work for portfolio I would also have. Of course, I am a pessimist. Well, maybe I'm a realist. Definitely not an optimist. I say-- if you liked her- not only her being pretty- but also the conversation- then go for it, get to know her. I would say since you don't know her, the whole staying over thing IS awkward, but everyone is different. Even if you SAY you aren't after something-- as a female, I would still have that thought in my mind that maybe that's what you would want and I really wouldn't want a guy over at my place when I don't know him yet.

Hmmm.... would you have to stay over night? couldn't you hang out during the day time and catch the train back-- bring some work with you to do on the ride?

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i could do, is just if she wants to go to a club or something to god knows what silly-0'clock in the morning im kinda stuffed.

i dunno, i took your advice and sent her message, i told her it sounds great and id really like to go, but to keep in mind travels a bit hard for me. well see what the reply is.


ty for your input

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Before you take ANY action, ask yourself what your goal is with this woman. Are you yourself looking to start a relationship or are you looking to "have some fun"? Forget about what she might think about your intention...your own intention MUST be clear before you proceed further.


If I were in your shoes, given what you said above, I would straighten out my intention to be to enjoy spending some time with a new friend -- NOTHING MORE! But that's just me.


I would also advise you to have your own plan arranged for yourself so that you appear organized and ready to lead. Don't let her know much about how difficult something might be for you. It will make you appear weak. If she invites you to her place for the night, then that choice is yours, at which point you can shift your intention/goal with this woman.

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hey guy, yeah i ended up going and staying hers, was a pretty good night, we went out for dinner, back to hers and went out to get drunk with some of her friends. kinda went mellow and i thought id hit friend zone but next morning she told me she had a really good time and would really liek to see me again,


your right john, and im doing that at the moment before i decide wether i want to proceed or not, ty for advise.

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