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how would girls react if...

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TOTALLY normal...some guys r really sentimental...and if he DOES have a tear down his face...just hug him or hold his hand...and tell him he´s brave to let his emotions out, because most guys cant do that....also...keep that guy...i would!...well i mean it can be kinda bad in some ocasions whne u guys fight or something he might cry and then u really wouldnt know wut to do...but overall theyre really nice guys, honestly i think theyre better as friends not boyfriends, but if u do have him as a bf thats great too cuz it means he´ll alawyas be really sweet and kind! and just think of it this way too....everybody has cried at least once right?? WUTS WRONG WITH CRYING!!?...y is it so weird when it comes from a guy!!??? it shouldnt be! so its totally natural and normal..make sure u treat him with all the love and kindness he could get...he´s one of the boys that needs those kind of things...hope it helped bye!

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Hey, I'm like this. A good ending to a movie will set me off a bit. Latest example - at the end of The Return of the King. We can be just as emotional and sentimental as the ladies.


I tend to try and hide it sometimes, but I would like her to hold my hand, squeeze it, maybe put her other hand on my arm too and give me a mini hug. I generally don't want to say anything, the non verbal connection is more than enough.

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I agree ash, no verbal. Good point.


umm- ok- I AM that guy, not that I have done that in a movie theatre, but I came close to tearing at home for October Sky -- seen that movie-- it's precious! But, I am that way but I am not a weak person emotionally either and I wouldn't want it to come accross that way but I also wouldn't want to hold back a tear- know what I mean??



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