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Am i just a LOSER, I HATE IT


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To Kuik, I know it was, its just i've been in that down period that i talked about in my other post, where my outlook is not very positive, i guess i just dwell on these negative things, or i just need to get them off my chest, i just examine my life, and my work ethic and career dreams and see a lack there of at times like this and, i just need to express it,

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I have a job, im in school, u get a life. To Kuik, I know it was, its just i've been in that down period that i talked about in my other post, where my outlook is not very positive, i guess i just dwell on these negative things, or i just need to get them off my chest, i just examine my life, and my work ethic and career dreams and see a lack there of at times like this and, i just need to express it,


If you have a job, and you're in school, then you must have *some* discipline. To even hold down a job requires showing up, and you'd be surprised- some people don't even do that. Perhaps your drive, discipline, etc., is just lower than others, but to say you have none at all- not true.


You're only 22- maybe you just haven't found the thing that excites you enough to motivate you. Career counselors will often tell you to look back into your childhood and what you loved to do, and that will give you an idea of what you'd be inclined towards as an adult. What did you love to do as a child? Just for fun? You didn't come out of the womb unmotivated. That's probably happened over time.

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