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Any Doctors/Nurses/Medical People out there?


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Hi, I need some advice and I'm not sure if this is the right place to put this but feel free to send me somewhere else if there's a better place.

Anyway all I've ever wanted to be in my life is a doctor and at the moment I'm going through the process of applying to take medicine at university. I'm at college at the moment (UK college, not US) and I've been working like crazy to make sure that I get the grades I need and I've been doing everything I can to increase my chances of getting a place (work experience, volunteering, extra-curricular stuff).

The problem is that today in my chemistry lesson we were doing this experiment that required quite alot of precision and accuracy and my teacher was watching my work and noted that I had incredibly shaky hands. I've always had shaky hands and I've never really given it much thought before. I know that very few people have completely steady hands but she said that mine were unusually so and that they were making my work inaccurate.

Will this be a problem in medical school? And if not will it be a problem if I actually manage to get through and start practicing medicine?

I know this sounds like a small thing but I've put so much effort into getting to this point and I don't want to end up falling down at the last hurdle.. This is the only thing I've ever wanted to do.

Thanks for reading, and please send me elsewhere if there's a better place for this.


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I'd never really thought of it as a problem before today. I don't know if that's because I'd never done anything that required really steady hands before so I'd just never noticed it as unusual or if it's worsened lately without me realising.

I suppose it could be medical. Could it be related to stress or lack of sleep?

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I occasionally get shaky hands (mostly when I get nervous) but I'm in pharmacy n research field. A great place to talk about this would be. "student doctor network forums" google it. I took some classes with medical kids for my program. I met a boy there who had shaky hands. He is becoming a plastic surgeon now. I would'nt worry about it unless its affecting your everyday life. good luck!

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