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How does a guy understand a girl's game?


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Theres this girl Ive known for a long time. We dont have any classes together this year and we rarely talk. Ive tried to say hi and sometimes start conversations with her. Every time we interact, its like shes playing a game. For example: one time I called her and commented on a nice job she did on a presentation. She then then asked, "Was there something you wanted to ask me?" Sometimes I say hi and she doesnt answer, but sometimes she does. My friend says that she wants me. I can see it in her body language as well. But she has this game. What can I do? How can I play along? Are there things I can do to understand it?

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Hey. First up, I'd like to welcome you to enotalone on behalf of everyone. I'm sure u've taken a nice step towards finding support and advice from many people of various ages from around the world which will be around for a while.


I personally don't like playing games like that and you neva win really. So I recommend you to think about what you want, if you want her, which it sounds like you do then bust a move.


Isn't life all about takin chances? you shouldn't think about things, just do it because you know, chances are you'll never be able to predict the future. But life's just too short, screw thinkin twice.


What if he/she's just feelin what u're feelin, someone's gotta spill it out sonner or later, sure u might screw ur friendship ova for a while but at least he'll kno and u might get a chance in the future. Like me, I was in the same situation and now me and my really good friend's togetha.


You don't really have a friendship right now, well not a deep bond yet so it's a great way of finding out things about people as when you're going out with someone, you learn so much more about them as you would friends, plus, what have you got to loose?



I think it's just you thinkin too much and worrying about things before they surpass but I suppose, sometimes people like to be prepared even though there's just way too many possiblities lol "ooh.. the possibilities" - some sorta toy ad catchphrase. Anyway, right back to this, even if u do worry, somethin else you might not b prepared for might occur, then wouldn't it have been a waste of time?


I think you should tell, coz you know it's definitely the best way i reckon. Because that way you wouldn't waste your time, if she says no, u'll know what she feels sooner and plus, even if she says no, at least she knows you like her and now so she could reconsider.


Don't think twice. Go for it. Like I said, life's way too short once you get down to it.




Happy Heb

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I think her game is simply to make you want her, so you will bust that move. She may be doing this consciously or not. First she expresses interest and makes you feel wanted and desirable, then she is aloof. This is the formula I would recommend for anyone trying to get someone specific. And, it seems to be working. Quit thinking and bust a move.

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