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More than friends w/benefits?????


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Me and a really good friend of mine for about 6 yrs have recently gotten close and have messed around lately. He is with someone at this time. He is a really great friend and great guy. All of our other friends also agree with me about what kind of guy he is. None of them think that he would cheat on his girl, me included until we got together. We talk everyday online and he talks to me about everything. We have not discussed where we are going with this. I guess my question is....guys that don't cheat normally but finally give in, is it because they have true feelings about the girl and don't want to hurt the other or do they not care at all about either girl?

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maybe since he has always been truthful and never cheated and now is messing around with you could mean that he really likes you and is comfortable talking to you. but maybe he's having a tough time with his current gf and probably is thinking about breaking up with her soon. What I suggest you do is to limit yourself from talking to him so much. Think of it this way, if he does cheat on his girl with you, and maybe go out with you, he could also do the same to you. Just becareful.

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it could mean that he's not satisfied with his girl and he's looking elsewhere to get it. guys dont think like we girls do about sex. he can be having sex with you and not want to have any type of relationship with you. on the other hand, if he leaves his girl for you, would you think that he can be faithful with you now that you know he's capable of cheating.

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