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Does he like me... or what?

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Alright, there's this guy that I really like. He and I have known each other for about a year but we've never really been too close. Anyways, I told him that I like him a couple of months ago and it seems like he might like me back. He told some of his friends that he kinda likes me but told them not to tell me. (They did anyways) But then sometimes he'll tell people he doesn't like me. I know he likes this other girl and I'm pretty cool about it when we talk about her. She has a boyfriend, so that can't really go anywhere right now. He's in one of my classes and we look at each other a lot. If I'm talking to one of my friends, he'll sit there shaking his head, or doing something to get my attention until I look at him. He talks to me a lot, and he's always doing stuff to make me laugh. (like playing the air guitar, or making faces, or hitting people with books) And he always looks at me when he's talking... even if he's talking to someone else. He offers to do stuff for me a lot too, when I was doing this huge project he wanted to help me colour and he drew pictures and stuff and it was kinda stupid but really cute. The other day one of my guy friends pushed me when I was walking down the hall and the guy I like was like "Hey!" and pushed him back. I dunno... I still have some doubts. He doesn't really seem to have a problem with asking people out so... I'm not sure! Is there anything else I should be looking for to be able to tell if he really does like me? lol I'd like to hear your opinions on this one! luv ya lots! ~skittles~

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the only thing i can think of for you to do is to drop subtle hints to him?? Just slight ones will tell whether he likes you or not. Do you flirt with him often? if you don't, maybe you can try.. things can get pretty interesting with just mere flirting around..


Sometimes, it is also hard to talk about guy's behavior since they are unpredictable (frm a girl's pt. of view). But if the feelings were right, u would have felt it by now and perhaps even reciprocate it. Like when i dated this guy, it didn't take long before i knew he was attracted to me. N i knew things were right. try it. Tell me if your flirting moves sends back the same signals.



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