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Anti-depressants, changing life


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SO basically I am not happy being me, in this world right now. I am sad and miserable because of facts of my life, where im at, what i look like, what ive done. Anway the obvious solution for me to change is to change my life, to change the way i see myself, and my position in life. SO basically my main goal is to change my life, generally, move out of house, start making money, make new friends, figure out my sexuality, have sex, get a group of friends, the thing is iam considering anti-depressants because of the depressive states i get into when i hate my life, so my QUESTION IS......WILL THEY HELP ME CHANGE MY LIFE FOR REAL, OR WILL THEY MAKE ME HAPPY WHERE IM AT RIGHT NOW, BECAUSE IF THEY MAKE ME HAPPY WITH MY CURRENT SITUATION WOULDNT THEY CUASE ME TO BE IN THE SAME POSITION FOR THE NEXT YEARS TO COME, I WANT MY LIFE TO CHANGE - WILL ANTI DEPRESSANTS HELP WITH THIS OR NOT?

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Anti-depressants will help to stabilize your feelings..Talking with someone who can help you figure out why you feel this way will, over time, help you to heal. You are very young and inexperienced with life and with sex.. Its gonna take time but you eventually will figure out if you are straight or bi or gay...Your most pressing issue at this time is to find someone to help you figure out why you dont like you and what you can do to change that. Before you hurt yourself..

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They are designed to help you cope better and lift mood. They will not change your thinking. If you hate your job for example, then going on anti-depressants is not going to make you suddenly like your job. I think that if you are unhappy with certain things in your life anti-depressants on their own are not really going to change your view. However they might help you feel better able to cope with say a job or other things if you are very depressed.

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