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does anyone else believe in god? if so will you help me out?

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so most of you already know about my ex problems and how i have been trying to come up with some way to make him understand how much i love him. well today i talked to him and i let him know what is going on with my health, and i also let him know that i am getting mentally better now that i am not taking the birth controle. well i told him how i was sad that he didn't let me have my chance to show him that i am better (with my mood thing) and i told him how i love him so much, but not the full thing because we are going to talk on monday @ school. well he said that he wanted to think about everything. i told him that was fine, but he is now thinking about giving me another chance to be with him. so please everyone pray for me and wish me luck, he is the most important person in my life. does anyone here believe in god? i was just wondering. well if you do then will you pray for me please. i just need help, i pray every night and i don't think it would hurt for others prayers and help to help me with this relationship also. well i am here if anyone needs any help. and i would be more then happy to pray for all of you.


love Qtpie87 P.s. if anyone out there does decide to help me and pray with me then will you let me know so i can relax a little bit. im just worried. thanx

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Edge, no offense, but if you don't want to read the post, don't read it. If you are sick of posts by this user, just ignore them. It isn't that difficult. People come here for advice, and QTpie is looking for some. If you don't want to help, then that's fine, don't. No reason to get in a huff just because someone has posted about a similar topic a few times.

Besides, for some people (me especially) it is good to read 'updates' on people's situations, as it's nice to see how previous advice has worked out for them.


Good luck QTpie! I'll pray for ya

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QTpie i will pray for you. This saga has got the best of you at times, and i pray that the first light that is creaking out of it may turn into a ray. I will pray for you, and in return QTpie i beg you to go in there prepared for the worst, because that could be a possibility that has happened to loads of people. Expect the best, but be prepared for the worst as well, i don't want you coming out and crying and end up doing something stupid if it wasn't what you expected.


but he is now thinking about giving me another chance to be with him.


Was that his exact words? No offence, but I have got the impression that you usually spin things in your favour (e.g. your impression that your ex being in a rebound- which by the way just simply won't be the case because if he was missing you he would come back to you, he was the one that broke up right?) so i want you to confirm to us and yourself that that is actually what he said.


I will pray for you, and i hope you take on my words as well. Expect the unexpected- be prepared for the worst but hope for the best.


Good luck

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Qtpie...I will pray that everything works out for you, Sometimes you don't get what you want in life, and people shun god from there life like I have once....But understanding that god sometimes chooses the correct path for you, maybe not being the one you want sometimes.....I can't pray for someone to love somebody....But I can pray that god can clear there troubled minds and help them decide whats best for them and bring ease to there pain...I hope things work out

Let us know how it works out


Regards ~rainswept

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I will pray for you and I hope that you will pray for me also. I have posted on here several times about my ex and I am still having trouble. I believe strongly in God and all I can say is what my church people tell me and that is to lay your situation in God's hands and let him have control of it. I know that may not help and it has taken me six months to do it but it is all I know to do. All of this hurts like crap and in my situation I don't understand a single thing but all I can do is get on my knees and pray every night that God will do what is right in my life and help my heart to heal. Don't get me wrong there is nothing I can do to get my ex back if he don't want to come back but I can pray to God to help me not go mentally insane and do something stupid. For I realize that God may not want for my life what I want and that is hard to take especially when I feel like God brought me and this guy together for a reason(long story).....


I hope that everything works out in your situation and that your heart will heal or at least feel better than I am sure it does...hang in their, have faith and look to God for your answer....Good luck

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QTpie, I read this scripture not too long ago and believe in GOD with all my heart.

Mark 11 verse 23-24:

Have faith in GOD.

"I tell you the truth, if anyone says to this mountain, 'Go, throw yourself into the sea,' and does not doubt in his heart but believes that what he says will happen, it will be done for him. thereforeeee I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.



I will pray for you QTpie and I hope you will pray for me, I am dying inside and I am praying for my ex to realize how much I love her.

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