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Wer to liv in the USA?

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Hi i am currently living in england training to become an electrician. When i am older i would love to live in america if i can make it then i still cannot decide on which state to live in i am thinkin of New York, Florida, California, or Los Angeles. Could anyone tell me what these places are like to live in if anyone who reads these lives anywer in the USA and has been there. Thankyou. Feel free to give me any other states as suggestions to live in? Thankyou very much 2 anyone who writes back to me!

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Hi ganjaorme,


I live in northern New Jersey and I feel this is the best place in the USA to live. I am sure anyone who answers this will probally tell you the same thing. New York City is ten minutes from my house by car. The only complaint that I have with living here is it is very expensive to live in NY and NJ. The rest is up to you. I think if you want to live here you should come and visit the places you mentioned before you decide.


Good luck,


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I just wanted to ask why you want to move.... I am American and I married an English guy and he absolutely loved it here at first but then became extremely homesick, mostly from culture shock, and he ended up going back to England. We paid a horrendous amount of money and went through many, many trials and tribulations and mounds of paperwork and history for him to come here only for it to fizzle in 3 years. Of course I am not saying that you won't want to stay, but you might want to come visit several states way before you decide to just move, and as SwingFox was saying, it is not easy to just move here. I wish he had done that. From personal experience, the midwestern states have four seasons for the most part, and the southern states are pretty much warm all year. Texas is absolutely beautiful but is extremely hot in the summer. The cities you mentioned are only coming to your mind, most likely, because those are some of the largest cities and the ones you hear about in movies and in the news. The USA is very large so don't limit yourself to just those cities..... there are many beautiful places that you can learn more about to decide where you would like to visit for a possible new home. And it doesn't have to be a large city.... there are some wonderful country settings that you might prefer over the city. Good luck!

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Why not ake a holiday over there and see what you think?

I would suggest LA though, it has lots of things to do, plenty of scenery and the sun is great! I went on holiday there and loved it!

I also love NY, we have relatives in New Jersey and they showed us how great the city is.

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I think New England is beautiful, expecially Rhode Island, Which ain't really an island and its near the ocean, Hence the "ocean state"...and its major city Providence is 40 minutes away from another Major city which is Boston..theres lots to do, just the winters are very cold

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I do a lot of traveling all over the USA, and every area has its good points and not so great points, it really depends on you. and what your looking for.


The US has every type of condition you could dream of, and one mans paradise is anothers hell.


your best bet would be to come over and travel around, if your young you could get a tourist Visa, and stay at the youth hostels, this way you really get to experience these places from inside.


places i would recommend you visit to get a good sampling.


* San Francisco, some of the friendliest folks and and very big international mix of residents.


* Seatle, wash. pretty city, also great if you miss English type weather.


* New York, for all the reasons you would have guessed, culture, art, dynamic. if you like city life, well thats the place.


* Orlando/Kissimee for some reason there seems to be a big English community in that area of Florida, beaches are an hour away, Disney is right there, and Florida is one of the fastest growing in population (good for work).


* Santa Fe, or Taos New Mexico. beautiful area, cant really explai, just need to see it yourself.


couple pointers, some places are funner to be in during the winter than others, and if you become an electritian, you will need to learn the local codes in the city/state where you decide to move too.


I just was on a cross country road trip, in june/july 2003, for this very purpose, i am living in another country right now, but will be moving back to the US in about a month. i am a very adaptable person and really doesnt matter too much where i live, i do know that i want to get married and have some kids, so that will have a lot to do with where i end up. thats a decision me and my girlfriend (future wife) will be making soon.

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well i live in chicago and i have to tell you it is a very good city. it is one of the largest in the nation and if you like big cities then look at this one! it is right on lake michigan and so in the summer you can go swimming at the citys many beaches. we do have all four seasons, they are all very distint, in the winter it gets cold and snows, and in the summer it gets fairly hot but its not killer hot like texas or arizona. If you like varying climate then this is a great place to live. There are many different nationalities here and just outside the city about 30 mins away one of the largest malls/shopping areas. so if you are into shopping then not only does chicago have great shopping but so do the suburbs. The weather is good, for the most part, the food is great, and the people are wonderful. If you want a big city to live in then look into Chicago, or if you would rather live in suburbs, we got lots of those too!

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From my experience and traveling throughout the us and different parts of the world I found that California is one of the best places to live and one of the most tolerant regarding ethnic diversity, background, race and history. There is no other place where there is little humidity, there are lots of beaches, mountains, and things to do within all a short drive away. I for some reason I like the combination of people, attitude, location, weather, and sun that this place provides. Something always happens here whether good ror bad. Its never boring. The sun is always great.


Having said that California whether its southern (San Diego, Orange County/Newport Beach, L.A., Hunnington Beach, etc) or Northern (San Francisco, Berkley, San Jose etc) is extremely expensive. I have had quite a few friends who moved out of this state just because they realized how rediculous life here is and quite frankly got tired of struggling, the traffic, and having to support their kids on a shoe string budget.


An average home costs $500,000 and for that you do not get much of a home and no back yeard. If you want something decent start looking around $650,000 to start.


1 bedroom apartments cost around 850+-1400 depending where you live.


To live in California and enjoy its benefits you need to make a minimum of $50k a year if you are single and at this level you will be pretty much living paycheck to paycheck. You could get by with less but you will not be living in the best parts of town or in a location that is not close to any of the things you would like to enjoy. With a wife, or family it is impossible to live on a single income unless you are pulling in around $100k. Well not impossible but its not the type of life you could get somewhere else like Austin Texas or Florida where a very nice home will cost you $150,000-200,000k to start, and for $650k you could get a mansion compared to the shack you will own in southern cali.


Realistically it boils dwon to economics, and you need to ask yourself what type of life, what type of quality of life do you want to have. Is having the California lifestyle worth the grind? If not look at other parts of the country, if you want to give it a shot or are financially independent or have a good job give this place a try. There is always something to do.


Keep in mind many people come here with completely unrealistic goals and for the most part they have absolutely NO IDEA how expansive this place really is. Many witin a year especially young people who I have known get tired of roommates, living paycheck to paycheck, and trying to make ends meet and end up going somewhere else. Cali is a great place to live if you made your money somewhere else and you want to enjoy its benefits in some golf course in La Jolla or at the Beach at Torry Pines.


Florida nd Texas, as well as Nevada are good booming places to be.

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Hey! well im originally from San Francisco, California. yup i know its pretty expensive to live there, but the diversity and the views r awsome. I moved to Atlanta, Georgia like a year ago and its ok, not that exciting cuz theres not much to do or see. But it is a quiet place and theres always downtown if u dont liek the country style livign here in the south lol. I would like to go back to Cali again, my favorite area is the northern part. Yeah its not all year round hot, but u get rain and fog lol well yup, look around before u make a choice cuz u might not like it. Like me I dont like Atlanta, but my parents do (the reason i had to move), but yeah wish u the best and luck

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