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what should you do when you're in love with more than two???

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its actually insane...i know! but i'm afraid that i'm in love with three guys at once..but, of different levels of course!let's call these guys smile, eyes and sweet...you see, i've been in love longer with smile..eversince i met him, i really liked him..one time, we had a serious gap that caused our friendship to be UNACTIVE, if i may actually use that...but after a long time (THANK GOD!) we became friends again...with that, we started with a clean slate...and that's when my problem began...he became unusually sweet, of course i knew that it was in his nature, but somehow i felt there was more to that..the problem was, he was courting another girl that time..and that caused him to disregard my feelings...(to be continued..)

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Hmmm, well, I don't know if I entirely agree with true love being for one and only one. I think it's possible to love more than one, although I do suspect you'll find that each person you love, you love in a slightly different way. As for which is defined as the true love, I can't say. For example, I have three kids, I love them all. Yes, it's a different kind of love, but it's very emotional, and deep rooted, and it's not limited to a single person.


Society (at least the society most of us on this board operate within) demands we remain faithful to a single partner, so in this sense, we do often choose who we are going to love the most, and actively discourage ourselves from feeling deep emotions for others. But that doesn't mean some of the feelings aren't there.


It does come down to having to make a choice based on some internal criteria in the end though. Just make sure when you decide, that you really are being true to your own feelings.

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