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Alrighty, I'm a lass in grade 10 and I am in love at this lad I've never spoken to. By in love at I mean I have quite a crush on him. I have no classes with him or anything, and I am extremely shy about talking to him. About a month ago I got my friend to ask him if he even knew who I was. Negative. So the guy I have the hugest crush on doesn't know I exist. Great. But - he may have taken a hint when my friend asked him if he knew me. Anyway, the point of all this is rather silly - but here it is:

I most often run into this lad in the school library. So I'll be sitting at a table with a friend and every day I've seen him there for the past month or so, he's been coming right up to me, sitting in the table next to me and all. Could this just be a coincidence, or does he know I really like him?

Haha, it's just really been bugging me and I don't know what to think.

Any replies are appreaciated. Thanks =D

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hard to say....he sits at a table your sitting at...and


OK you see my point here he is just sitting at a table, and your friend never mentioned, or pointed out who you were, correct?...


so how would he know, that it is you.. Correct?


You have to answer your Question for yourself here...I don't think you need advice, i think you need to talk to him next time he sits at your table. there is some good advice..

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yeah thats a tough one. i don't know if he knows that you like him. maybe he took a hint when your friend asked him if he knew who you were, but some people don't get those hints. one day you should just say "hey, i see you here a lot" & start a conversation that way. it seems like its going to be hard, but once you push yourself to do it, you'll feel so good that you actually did it! good luck!

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