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Question about hair products

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Hey all, I was just woundering if any of you know of a product that can thicken hair. My hair is so thin that even with gel or other products it is hard to style my hair.


My hair seems to be very staticy specially when I am wearing a toque. I also plan to grow a shag but not sure if my hair is right for that any help would help thanks

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i dont know of any hair product which can thicken your hair, but you could try back combing your hair. also depending on how long it is, if you use a hair dryer, if you flip you hair over your head and blow dry it upside down that sometimes works.


i hope this helps, i know it isnt a hair product or anything, but hay, look on the brightside at least you dont have to buy any.


~LJ =;

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I can't really help on the hair products, but I do have a thought about the toque (that's a winter hat for anybody who doesn't know!)


Is the toque made out of a synthetic material? The synthetic materials (nylon, rayon, polyester etc.) build up a much higher static charge than a real wool toque would. Maybe you could see about getting a natural fibre one from somewhere, or maybe see if somebody would be so kind as to knit one for you. That should help. It's the same for sweaters, natural fibres hold less static and can be more comfortable to wear as a result.

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