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Alone Please???????? (Need Help)!!!!!!!

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Hey everyone, im a newbie to this forum stuff, but its always nice to know that im not a loner who has some questions about relationships. Okay, let me set the scene for you.


thursday night, this girl (who i have been hooked up with for about 2 months) and I went out to see the Lord of the Rings 3. I figured we could go and it wouldnt be packed since its been out for a week or two. (I figured it wouldnt be packed so much since its so popular that ALL of the LOTR fans saw it the first week it came out.) We would do the ususal, hold hands then kiss for a while since the movie was so long. But that wasnt the case. her and her friend she brought along got the last 2 tickets to LOTR3. there were NO seats left in the theatre for us. So, we switched the tickets and went to see a different movie. The other movie was too confusing ( ) so we decided to leave and take a walk around the outside of the theatre around the Plaza. (8:00pm that time, we had until 10 before LOTR3 got out. [my other two friends were lucky and got seats in LOTR3 before we did.])

We walked around outside of the theatre 2 times, then we went to a parking garage and messed around in the elevators (boredum got the best of us) and we went to the 7th floor (now this is just me, my gf and her friend. No cars were parked on that floor) and sat against the wall and talked. Of course, i wanted to be alone at that time with my girlfriend cuz we wanted to yeah.....you know. But, her friend was there!


So, my question is: How can I ask her friend to leave without bein a jerk about it?


Sounds weird, yes, but I wanna know, lol.


Thanks for all the help !

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damn man, i know exactly how you feel...


it used to be similar with my ex and her little brother/sister etc...



to be honest, i don't think there's anything you can do about it, because think of it this way -


you go along to the movies with a good friend of yours and his girlfriend, and suddenly the girlfriend asks you to leave... wouldn't be a nice feeling would it?


and if you just made out infront of her (which is another option - don't go any further than making out infront of people.. hehe.) then that would make her feel like a complete... don't know what ... because it would be awkward for her and she'd feel left out..


so as i said, sorry.. can't really help, the only thing you might consider doing to make sure this doesn't happen again, without being a jerk is to make sure no ones coming along... lol


sorry again.


good luck. later.

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First I would like to say welcome to enotalone.

Now how to tell a friend that you want to be alone. I would go up to the friend when you are walking around and say "hey do you think we could be alone for a min or too?" That should do it but if you dont want to be that blunt then say "hey (name) do you think that you could run and get us something to drink? I will buy yours if you could do that for us. " That one should work for you. Well I hope that this helps. and good luck.

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Thanks guys for the help ill b sure to use the question on her......but the problem is, (Cid), she would have had to go ALL the way back to the theatre @ 11pm alone which is about a 15 minute walk lol and i dont think she'd want to do that but for the future, thanks to you two, ill use the advice.


thanks again

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