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I'm back. Rant.


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I have been off this for a long time. Went NC for a month. Thought i was ready. Used a social network just to say "hey, howz America man?", she never replied. I'm a wreck. I'm a total mess. I dont know what what i'm gunna do.


What makes it worse is that i have everything... It makes me feel like such a pathetic human being, i'm 19, good college- sitting my masters, i get girls- i get prettier girls, but nobody lights up my face like she does. Its been about 4 months now since we split, we only went out for 3 months-so i find this totally rediculous for me to still be feeling this way!


What am i going to do? I cant keep feeling this way. Really- i feel so down. When i'm down i cry, when i'm up am fine. i'm never just alright.


This is just a rant.

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Sorry to hear that...


How bout you just take this as a lesson learned? The way I think of it, you weren't ready. And the way you can tell in the future that you aren't ready is because you have the DESIRE to talk to her again (which is obvious because you sought her out). If you get to a point where you don't care if you talk to her or not, THAT's when you are over it.

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