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why dont girls ask guys out?

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I've asked out nearly every guy I dated or made the first move! I guess there's a way a girl can ask a guy out that can come accross as desperate. And I think a lotta guys like to be in control and don't like the girl taking the initiative. Ok so you shy guys say you'd like a girl to come up to you but the times I've asked out shy guys they were totally intimidated and couldn't run away fast enough even though they fancied me! Also it's no fun if the girl lays it out for the guy on a plate - c'mon he has to do some work too! That's half the fun! My reason for asking guys out is that I was fed up with guys who liked me not making the move! And usually I don't go up to the guy and ask him straight out I think that's too intimdating - I tell him I like him then expect him to do the rest! That way I guess if he does'nt like me it's no big deal and he just won't do anything about it! If he does then he knows he can ask me out without rejection! But I have been forward and asked out guys straight up and gotten 50/50 success rate. The way I figure it girls can choose who they wanna date so they should be able to go up to the guy they like and make it real! why wait for a guy to ask you out! And a "no" is not a big deal - the way I see it guys get knockbacks when they ask girls out, it's only fair if a girl asks a guy out that she gets turned down once in a while too!!!

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I think Smitty approach is very common...esp with girls that really like the guy...


generally most girls it seems do not directly as a guy out, but tell the guy that they are attracted to him, and get specific as to what exactly attracts them to the guy...and act very interested in everything you talk about even if something shes not really interested...same way as guys do...


but i definitely think that many if not most girls who really have a crush on a guy...do take the initiative by making comments that leaven no doubt about the attraction and basically leave in the guys court so to speak...

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Actually, several girls will ask a guy out. But, like you guys, girls are scared of rejection too, and it's traditionally been that the guy asks the girl out. Do I think this is a dumb rule? Absolutely. There's no reason a girl shouldn't ask out a guy, but, if you're interested in a girl and sense that she's attracted to you as well, don't wait around for her to make the first move, since it's almost ingrained that she has to wait for you to do it. Again....not "fair", but just how it is. (As a sidenote, and don't laugh, this is gonna make me look pathetic-I asked SIX guys to the prom senior year, and got rejected by all of 'em for various reasons. Kinda squashed my faith in asking a guy out till years later, when I just didn't CARE, which apparently translated into some sort of projected confidence, because THEN guys would accept me asking them out....lol)


The moral of the story.....guys generally have more confidence about approaching a woman, and women just aren't that aggressive. More the rule than the exception, anyway. So yeah, I think girls should ask guys out, but it's gonna take a "trend" to do it, I think!



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Heh.. Well, if only I was confident about asking a girl out.. XP


I think I've 'grown' enough in the last couple of years that I wouldn't really have a lot of trouble asking someone out, if I only knew that a girl would like me.. which so far, I haven't been able to spot. This could either mean that no girl has fancied me (possible O.o besides, I don't get out much, so it's not like I've met that many girls anyway), or I'm so THICK, I don't see that they're interested unless it's being slapped in my face. XP


A problem might occur when I do finally manage to ask someone.. besides a movie, I wouldn't really know where else to take her out..

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even being a girl myself, i feel that some girls are too picky, or obide by the fact that it has always been a male to ask out the girl. stupid really in my eyes, some beg for equality and better roles but they themselves cant set out and ask a man out. contradictive or what?


as for the reason there are several and the same for men.

for me i tend to have the higher percentage in asking them out but thats my nature and personality i guess. my boyfriend at the moment has a fear of rejection and is shy until he knows people clearly, barriers are the same for men and women so you cant rule that just on us.


i guess some are shy, nervous, picky, they label, judge, just dont have confidence. loads of reasons applying to both sexes not just one.


i guess youve got it made if the girl asks you out and you actually want to g out with her, but trust me, my mates have been put off by being turned down and then they turn others down harshley. we dont learn.


so will it change, i know a few girls but i reackon the percentage might stay on who asks who. and it seems like males are the one at the minute.

just my two cents.


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i have heard that it makes the guys feel like the girl is too aggressive and desrerate. are you a guy or a girl? how do you feel about it?


If a guy ask a girl out does she think he is too aggressive and desperate?


If both sexes think like that we'll die out pretty quickly dont you think?

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If a guy ask a girl out does she think he is too aggressive and desperate?


If both sexes think like that we'll die out pretty quickly dont you think?

hehe I have to agree with that one. But I think it is the fear of asking out someone I know it is stuped bucouse us guys go through that every time we ask someone out.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok, I'm going to mix thing up a bit here...


I think it's better than men ask out women because I think when men know they like someone, they take the initiative. Now I'm not saying women don't do the same but I feel that it has become very common for the guy to do the asking, rather than the girl.


I believe girls feel more exicited when being asked out, girls like confident, protective men and when a guy becomes bold and pops the question it seems they prefer it that way.


I would LOVE to be asked out by a girl but since I was little at school I've hardly ever known for a girl to ask a guy out. I guess it's just a tradition and both sexes have got used to it.....until now


Anyone beg to differ?

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  • 2 years later...

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