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anyone help me out here

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As you know me and the ex are trying to get back together which will take time l'm not rushing anything.


Here comes the but..found out from a friend that she was seeing someone as was l but not sure if l trust my ex l think she could have both of us on the go-how should l play this without sounding over the top and paranoid?


I'm not upset about this because thing's will take time to sort thing's out l'm trying to protect myself because l've learned a lot.


Should l ask?

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I wouldn't ask just yet. Take things extra slow. Remember that while you were broken up, everything was fair game. So don't be too critical of her for anything that happened during that period.


I understand your concerns that she might be 'playing' both of you. However I think right now you need to take a leap of faith. Be trusting for now. If you start out being suspicious and questioning her I think that will get things off on the wrong foot for you two to reconcile.


Take it slow. As things move along further you'll have more information on whether you think she is playing you - or not.



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I second what avman said. Also I want to ask you, do you think she is the "type" to be two timing you? I mean you dated her in the past so you should know something about her personality.


Ask yourself, why did you two break up in the first place? Did she cheat on you? If she did I'd stay well clear of her. Cheaters don't seem to change too much. But there are exceptions, not many but some...


Take it slow and don't get your hopes up too high...

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