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My Muse

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My Inspiration

My Connecting Soul

She's easy on the mind

And easy on the eyes

She flaunts her wings

Before she takes off and flies

Her Mind is beautiful

Her body is Golden

Her eyes, when seen

Tend to embolden

Her face, so warm

Her hair, like silk

So fine and so soft

Like a cold glass of milk

Her body is delicate

Yet it moves with grace

Flowing with confidence

And it lights up her face

She's my inspiration

My glowing essense and love

Created by hand

In the Heavens above

If I could choose anything

I would never want to lose

My love that inspires

My Essense, my muse




She's finds joy in life

When it seems joy is gone

Her life seems so playful

Like a newborn fawn

She knows what to say

She's witty and quick

But deep in her mind

She's quite artistic

She can be shallow

Or she can be deep

Oh, and the things that she

Dreams up in her sleep

Abstract but simple

With a strange sense of charm

And her intentions don't mean

Anyone harm

She's my inspiration

My source of all joy

My funny little girl

Playful and coy

If I could choose anything

I wouldn't want to lose

My perfect everything

My angel, my muse



I usually hate rhyming in poems....but this one just needed it.


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