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Starting the pill.....

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Hello ladies, a question for you regarding the pill. I've just started taking a mini pill for the first time. I started it the first day of the my period, the first day I started bleeding, as you're suppose to. The day before I actually started my period, I just had some brownish/redish blood coming out, which is common for me and I assume it's my body getting rid of any left overs from my last period. I just want to make sure I took my pill the right day, as I didn't start the day that I was spotting, I started the next day when I actually started bleeding.


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I am on the pill, but it isn't the mini-pill. I start taking a new pack the last day of my period, not the first. Maybe you should either do a search online or call your physician to make sure you're doing it correctly. I do know that it isn't fool-proof in terms of protecting against pregnancy the first month you take it.

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