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being lonely

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Have you ever worked so hard that you lost your social life? Did you ever wonder what it's really like to be a physician-in-training? Although I wouldn't describe myself as a workaholic, as a physician-in-training, I've had to study 100 hours a week for months. (It was a requirement- not something about which I had a choice.) That's months without any social interactions. Although now my life is easier (I'm only working 70 hours a week), it's difficult to deal with the loneliness. Have you ever felt really lonely? What did you do to make the loneliness better?

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The best way to deal with the loneliness is when you are out in public, make a point to open a door for something and smile. Go to a book store and have a cup of coffee and just say hello to someone.

When I was lonely, I realized that I wasn't alone when I noticed people would look over at me and smile, or talk to me about something. I realized that I was never really alone at all.

Being lonely is a state of mine.

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It's hard if work takes all your time. Besides work you just don't have the time or energy to do something to enjoy yourself.

Although I never experienced lonelines from a work point of view, I lost a lot friends/contact by moving and so, I can understand how you feel.

Lonelines is scary sometimes, well almost all of the times!

I found out that friendship with a few good friends will help you through it.

It has cost me some time to fiend those friends, especially the ones who accept you for who you are, but I've found a few.

And those friends a "cherish"!! I they "cherish" me!!

When times get though on me a just call my best friend and talk about it.

And the best thing is he does the same with me.

Don't rush it, just keep an open mind and look around. Find someone you can thrust and is on the same level in life as you are.

Go to a movie sometime, just by yourself. I do that very often, although I have friends enough right now. it's just that I'm free to do the things I want. In this way I meet new people. It has cost me some time to get in touch with "the strangers" I meet at the movies, but in the end sometimes it works and sometimes not. Just give it a try.

A other option is INTERNET! reply to a message on this forum. or send a answer by e-mail. Go to MSN and chat with people.

If you want, just send a e-mail to me, we can keep in touch every now and then. (just so you'll know, I'm from Holland so you'll have a international contac then ).

Hope your doing well!!

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Although, I never had a feeling of loniless, my mother has it. It is not that is just changable. She had to work very hard on it to loose that feeling. Now, after three years, she can say the feeling of loniness is gone. How she did? Socialised by finding hobbies such as painting, drawning, Tai Chi and so forth. Talking about how she felt and changing her attitude towards it.


I can see it hard for you to socialise if you work seventy hours a week! Find someone at work (maybe of another department) that you can take lunch with and combining lunch and socialising.


And remember, it is better to have a few very good friends than a lot of acquaintances that you can not talk real life matters with.

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