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Locking eyes, but then....


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Ok, this is a stupid problem which should be easy as hell to fix, but apparently it's not...



Theres always a lot of time I find myself locking eyes with women, most of which i find very attractive. I often find myselves not knowing what to do in these situations, even though this my preferred way of meeting women, having them notice me instead of me having to notice them.


Unfortunately, I have no idea what to say to someone who i've been locking eyes with. I've found myslef in these situations literally dozens of times. Actually there were 3 times this weekend when i saw a woman looking at me and I locked eyes with her. And I choked.... actually one of the times I started talking to one of them but then when it lead to the point of when I should've asked for her number, but once again, i choked....


I know the one thing I am doing right, is when I see them staring at me i stare back until THEY look away. But then Im at a loss for words. So what i am asking is what are some things i can say to these women in these situations. Give me something simple, give me something advanced, just give me soemthing that can help me build more confidence in approaching thse women, and executing what i planned to do in the first plalce by at the very least talking to them, and getting their number.

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A good ice breaker is to be able to make her laugh. If you can make a girl laugh that means to her that you can show her a good time. When you do lock eyes with girls, don't just keep staring until she looks away. It's not a staring contest, haha. A popular method I've heard is to approach her within the first 3 seconds of making eye contact. The longer you wait the harder it'll be to make a move. A good way to build up your confidence and social skills is to engage in small talk with random strangers. This can be achieve with men and women, old, big, small, tall, etc. With practice it should be easier and more comfortable. So go out and talk, talk, and talk some more. Just don't put your foot in your mouth and say something foolish. Think before you speak and act.

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hmmm, alright. I have a good sense of humor, so making people laugh isn't too hard. This is usaully after I am friends with a person for awhile though. One thing I have done before tha I think can work in many situations is when i catch someone looking at me, I have said before, "You know, you really have to stop checking me out, i understand that I'm good looking, but it's kind of creepy." It's sorta cocky, but I say it in a way that anyone would know I am joking.


Im personally not a big fan of little one-liners, but this one is pretty funny and gets a laugh usually.

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That explains the air force logo. Well, congratulations on graduating from bootcamp and becoming an airman. Military is tough and long, so I admire your efforts. What AFSC did you choose?

I can just imagine you walking into a bar or club and looking sharp in your military uniform with the ladies swarming around you like bees. Something like Maverick from Topgun, haha.

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I am very bored with myspace so I use it to randomly engage conversation with strangers. Over time you being to find your "conversational" pattern(I talk about relationships or just simple stuff but with a cocky twist) and it will stick. So when you go out you'll best more confident.


... or just simply speak like your just thinking out loud(talk to random people when you go out)


SML know, you really have to stop checking me out, i understand that I'm good looking, but it's kind of creepy."

GL okay

SML don't have a lot of time so I'll make this quick so you don't get any ideas. So do you have a name or are we just going to keep staring a each other?(or just the key word creepy and tell her a story about something you think is creepy. The ask her what is the weirdest things you've seen or heard... As in "speaking of creepy blah blah. What's the creepiest blah blah you ever heard/seen".... moving on)

GL[insert name her]

SML a nice name. Not as good as mine, but it's okay

GL: lauging (hopefully) whats your name



SML But 3 points for effort. It's [insert name her]. Now if you can guess where I'm from I may give you a prize(rather than the boring "so where are you from") which would be more points or phones number


If it freezes at least you know she has interest because she asked you a question and she should be in a good mood. At this point it's basic stuff, but make interesting by telling her a story or something.


You can take pressue off yourself thinking "hey. I'm not the only one in this conversation." So if you stay quiet you can force her to fill the silence(if you are not comfortable with silence... become comfortable to it)


Hope that helps in some small way

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