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Why can't I just do it?


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Hullo everyone, thanks for reading.


Alright, I'm a lass in grade 10 and I really like this guy I have never spoken to. He's also in grade 10, but I have no classes with him. He's also very shy, and so am I. So, the problem is I'm constantly thinking about him and would really like to get to know him. For the past few weeks I'd try so hard to get the courage to talk to him, even to say hi but then when it comes down to it I always back out. It drives me crazy, because he doesn't know how I feel, and I don't know if I have a chance. And I definitely don't want a friend a friend to tell him how I feel - I want to be the one to do it. But no matter how hard I try I just can't get the courage to walk up to him and say words. I really don't want to give up. If anyone could please tell me how to overcome my shyness, or give me any advice on specific things to say to him that would be great. ...Theres a dance coming up that I would love to ask him to [Just thought I'd add that].

Thanks in advance!

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We'll I've always thought about it like this. "Do it for the one you like and if you can't even talk to him and get to know him, how can you even like him like that? You should talk 2 him, loose your shyness not for you but for him since you like him so much and if you can't, then you obviously don't like him enough."


Thats my thought anyway, if you think a little or open your mind up a bit, it'll be more meaningful and you can see why I said it. But yea, at the end of the day, its ur life, do what you want with it.


Hope that helped

Happy Heb

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I'm quite shy myself and me being complete inexperienced with this... hm, could you somehow manage to make him talk to you first or something.. either way.. even though this isn't working for me but um just do it, you'll never know what'll be the outcome unless you do it and chances are you'll hate yourself for passing up the chance.

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Here is a tip to start to over come your shyness go uo to 20 people that you dont know and start talking to them for about 3-4 mins make shure that you have both sexes about 10 each. Now that will make you shyness alot less. But it will not get rid of it. I am 21 and I am still shy but some day I will be over it. I hope

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hi Esprit, im pretty much in the same situation that your in except it's with a girl I like at my high school for me we talked a few times but nothing really major . I know whats it's like when you want to go talk to someone you like but your afraid you might embarss yourself and then you end up balying out at that last minute. My advice is ask one of your friends that have a class with him to introduce you to each other and start talking to him about music or class etc.....any ways hope this helps good luck

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