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my friend's boyfriend liked me, and she didn't like him. They broke up and the next day we went out. He knows i've liked this guy, and i still like that guy. But i love my boyfriend because of the things he does. And now i feel like i got no friends but him.

The guy i like is Into another gurl. BUt he still calls me sometimes. I really like my boyfriend, but when i look at this other guy i quickly fall in love with him again... i just can't forget him... How can you forget a person??? and how can you love a person more???

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hi ck!


i think forgetting someone we care about is really a lot of work... its human nature...what we tried to avoid is what we keep on wanting back...and what we try to accept keeps on reminding us this is not what we really want. One thing i usually do to forget things...is not to think we need to forget them.... just let things be... naturally and smoothly you don't have to make a decision now do you?


I have been at your position...and you know what? it hurts... a lot... but just think about it this way..."life could be so dull without this things happening to us"


one thing i want to share with you though, do not leave your bf hanging....he is so good and kind to get hurt...he doesn't do anything wrong...i think what you need to do is to be honest to him.... and most of all to yourself... all the rigth answers to your question lies within you....remember that...

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that really isn't love your seeing in that other guy, sounds to me like "LUST" at first sight or 2nd, 3rd 7th whatever...you say when you see him you fall in love, let me guess....he is like really cute right, Think about what you said here ck_tati


But i love my boyfriend because of the things he does


stay with the one you love, you said it.....it's your current boyfriend


you sacrifice something but you gain on what you already have, you know what that is.

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