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Asking out you friend

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I mean all the people i asked out were my friends and i knew them and all... But if you ask out one of your closests friends and they say no, does it make your friendship any worse? Will she think worse of you or when she does say no, will it hurt? Im kinda confused cuz i want to ask out of my closest friends but im afriad of the answer.. if she says yes.. then thats great. And if she says no, then...


Additional Information: She likes another guy, but she doesnt want to like him... like she says once you start liking a guy its hard to stop liking him... but she really wants to stop liking him because she doesnt see whats so great about him... I dunno what to do... please help.

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DO NOT ASK HER OUT!!!!!! DO NOT IF U WANT TO KEEP THE FRIENDSHIP!!!! i have asked out one of my female friends on 2 occasions, and both times they said "lets just b friends" and the friendship we had ceased to exist in both cases. i still talk with these ppl, but in both cases, its nothing like the friendship that we used to have....\





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ok well that last reply wasn't to helpful..but i understood..it's hard to ask out a best friend..i went through the same incident..except mine took a turn for the bad..she said no..but as time went on for like 4 more months..she grew much fonder of me additioned on to what she already knows due to me asking her before..she feels more comfortable with us goin' out..so she asked me out becuz she knew i already liked her..so she had nothin' to be afraid of..she didn't wory about any issues that might have come up..cuz she felt comfortable in the situation to ask me..maybe the same thing will happn to you..i'd ask her out..mind as well take the risk..for love..am i right?

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what you can do is try to find a situation where you are on your own with her and study her body language ( but dont make it obvious ). just behave normally, do not be tense but try to look into her eyes if she smiles and blushes it is likely that your feelings towards her are reciprocal. if it doesnt make any effect on her just dont try to ask her out as you will be disappointed.

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