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is she sending me signals or not!?

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ok, this girl used to go out with my best friend, and she's a really outgoing kind of person. i find her really attractive, and i dont think we'd have a big problem talking or whatever, but the point is, i don't know if she likes me or not because what i might take as flirting, she could just see as being friendly. a few examples: when we were done w/ our marching band show we were where they give us water, and we were like "oh how'd u do?" etc and then for like the first time she hugged me and it wasnt like a "tap tap" ur my friend kinda hug, but like a grasp (dont know if that was "friendly" or not). and when she passed me in the halls a few days ago, she gave me what i thought to be a really flirtatious smile and did it again a few days later. and whenever she walks into the band room, she always looks over at me, and when i look over to see who's coming in and see her, she looks away. tell me what you think, i'm really confused and need some help, thanks a bunch

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She is showing all of the classical signs of interest, but what this also tells me is that this is a very young girl you are dealing with.


Go on a date with her and then make a post about how it went. I would really like to know HOW YOU respond to these sort of situations.


That's what you should be concerned about.


Ohh yeah, live, learn, and don't be afraid to burn bridges...

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Since you are unsure of what she wants, perhpas you need to ask yourself what YOU want and take in control. I just don't think its a good idea to ask her out assuming that she likes you, coz if she rejects you, u're gonna feel worse than you would if you knew it was entirely your choice to have asked her out in the first plus.


If you like her, then go for it man, life's way 2 short.


Happy Heb


PS, we're always here if you need help on how.

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Since you are unsure of what she wants, perhpas you need to ask yourself what YOU want and take in control.




I just don't think its a good idea to ask her out assuming that she likes you, coz if she rejects you, u're gonna feel worse than you would if you knew it was entirely your choice to have asked her out in the first plus..


That's the risk of trying to ask anyone out. If you let your fear of rejection control you then you arn't going to get anywhere with any girl.


I hate it when people actually encourage others to be controlled by their fear of rejection. Rejection is a natural thing and is needed to a certain degree to allow someone to grow into a mature individual.


Also sometimes a girl will turn you do for her own person reasons that have nothing to do with you. Like for example maybe she was having PMS at the time and doesn't feel like going out with anyone or some other personal reason.


So don't worry just go out and ask her if she wants to go somewhere with you.


Ask her if she wants to go see a movie sometime and hand her the times and listings and have her pick out one she would like to see then pay for her to go; she might be less reluctant to turn you down if you give her a little flexibility.

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