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help me write a love letter


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Why is this in the getting back together forum? Are you writing this love letter to an ex? If so then I would advise you against this, I don't know the background story but writing very heavily emotional letters to someone who's broken up to is a BAD idea and usually sends that person running the other way very fast.


Even if this is someone who you think 'might' still be in love with you even after a breakup I STILL advise against it.


If this is your current relationship, and I mean a solid relationship, where both of you are aware of where you stand with one another and aren't either on the verge of breaking up or at the tentative beginnings of an uncertain relationship, only then would I advise you to send the letter.


Write from your heart, write what goes through your head, even if it's haphazard and all over the place it has much more meaning if you write it yourself.

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I agree with this 100%.


You will come off as needy and desperate. Highly unattractive qualities.


Men don't respond to words. They respond to action. Show him that you care by giving him some space right now. Work on your own issues and if you need to, get healthy and take care of yourself.


I'm willing to bet that one of the reasons he left was because he felt suffocated and perhaps saw you as being "average" and no longer unique and special. Do something to change his mindset, and he'll come sniffing back around. Trust me on this.

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A few that have answered you here are right about it needing to come from your heart. As far as this not being the right place for you to ask this that's just ridiculous. We're here to help, not to categorize or criticize.


It could sound needy, but none of us here know your circumstances. If you feel you must write a letter, then by all means do it. One thing I've learned in my many, many years of being in this crazy world is that if you love someone, TELL THEM. You may sadly discover one day that you will never get the opportunity or chance to ever tell them.


Before you write your letter, think about what you feel when they first enter your mind. Think about how you long for them when they're not around. Think about how there is a hole in your heart because you miss them so much. Think about how everything you see or come in contact with reminds you of them. Think about how they make you smile. How they make your day. Now write it down. Straight from your heart.


Good luck to you and may God bless.

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I have to disagree: in situations where you were not able to express how you truly feel during the relationship, you should. If you truly love a person, let him/her know, or else you will spend the rest of your life regretting it.


No one I know ever regretted telling someone how she/he genuinely felt. I do know people, however, years later even, never letting someone know how he/she felt.


A lot of us (especially men) have issue expressing our feelings. And if you were never able to do so during the relationship, then it's okay to let that person know after it is over. If you think your ex knows how you feel, there is not point in reiterating it.


Telling someone how you feel: that you will also care/love and miss that person is not going to drive him away. One can express her feelings in a sincere way without being "desperate or needy." In fact, it takes a lot of courage and bravery to express that when you know the other person will not reciprocate (at least for now).

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I respectfully disagree, I'm not sure if you're talking about sending love letters to ex's, crushes, or someone you're actually in a relationship with.


It seems here, is that it sounds like the OP has a LOT of EXPECTATIONS tied to sending this letter to the ex (I assume it's an ex we're talking about since it's in the getting back together forum). Again we don't know the background, but if you send your love letter with these expectations (i.e. that they'll come running back on their knees begging for your return) you WILL get hurt when what you're hoping and craving for doesn't happen. That is what NOT what unconditional love is about, it is love without EXPECTING anything in return, you may desire it but this is very different from expecting, that is what separates needy from healthy, because even if the ex does not write back, you will be okay with that.


I am not so much concerned whether the ex will run away or not, I could never say for sure that they would run away or not. I am more concerned in this case with what outcome the OP is expecting and whether they are emotionally detached enough to be okay with sending the letter and getting nothing in response, or the person running the other way and from where I'm standing it really doesn't sound like that's the case.


As for those who regret not sending love letters, that sounds to me like they haven't fully let go whatever relationship they 'lost'. Those of us who have been through break ups need to do the grief work, let go and accept what has happened and that is ALL about you, not the other person. Otherwise you are not giving yourself the chance to live the best life you can for you and possibly, while you're wondering what could've been, you may be missing the wonderful opportunity to find real love. In some cases people regret what happened in past relationships while they're in a new one, and when you do that you aren't giving as much of yourself to this new relationship, which is very unfair to your partner as well as to you.


Someone else also wrote about actions, and I agree with this. Love is a verb, so many of us are so hung up on someone having said years ago that they loved us, all the while the way they acted did not match what they said, they did not act lovingly. If you've been in an abusive relationship the other person may rip you to shreds but it's okay because they said they love you - clearly it's not, but I've seen this happen so many times - too many times if you ask me.


Love isn't about grand gestures and beautiful words, it is an action, it is fidelity, it is telling the truth, it is'nt putting someone on the back burner while you're testing the waters, it isn't sneaking around with someone else behind your back.


Don't say love, do love, and to the OP, if your ex is not or did not act lovingly to you before or after your breakup (regardless of how they acted in the beginning of your relationship) are you sure they are the right person for you?


For the longest time I was hung up on someone who was able to melt my heart in a few short words and it took me a LONG time to get over him, looking back however and evaluating his behaviour it is obvious to me that his words were all very pretty but his actions were anything but loving, I too went through the love letter phase and I DO NOT regret not sending that letter because frankly, the only thing I regret is having spent all that time pining for someone I thought loved me, because he said so.


In an earlier realtionship I did do the equivalent of writting a love letter, a very heavy, very needy letter that spoke about how wonderful this person was, and how much they meant to me and so on and I did send it - BUT when I didn't get what I wanted I was devastated and once I got over that, I regretted sending that letter so much that I was literally smacking myself silly for doing it.



geadrops - If you are going through a break-up I suggest you read this blog:


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I'd recommend it for anyone going through a break-up. And if you're serious about this letter, write it BUT DON'T SEND IT. Know that it's OKAY to feel how you feel, you are not wrong for loving this person, but now is the time to work on you, be your own best friend and do the best you can to heal from this first. Good luck

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  • 1 year later...
  • 1 year later...
why is it so difficult just to tell someone you love them and want to be with them without pushing them away ??


Human nature. We value things we can't have and have very little appreciation for things that come easy. This is one reason why rich celebrities seem so self destructive because they get anything they want and out of boredom turn to drug/affairs and the like. Without something to work for or struggle against we have little to live for.


"Nothing worth having comes easy" as the saying goes.

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