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A letter from my ex GF. Need Advice Please!

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Two days before my b-day ( this past Tuesday ), I received a letter from my ex GF. She said she needs to talk to me and she feels all alone. Pls follow this link, Here's my previous story if you guys are kinda lost. link removed . I haven't spoken to her for about a month and a half and I'm slowly getting back up on my two feet. After thinking it over long and hard I decided to talk to her on IM with both our web cam on. She said she needs to reach out for me since she doesn't have anybody to talk to and since I was her best friend she needs me more than ever. At first I did notice some what troubling sadness in her face. I ask her if she was pregnant and she said yes. The guy she's currently going out with for 3 months and the guy she replaced me with got her pregnant. He told her that they should give it up for adaption and he doesn't want to be an unwed father of two ( he has a 10 month child from a previous GF ). From what she said as of Tuesday they are broken up. He even told one of their classmate that she is pregnant but not by his child but mine. She was crying on the cam and I gave her comfort. I told her I'm here for her and if she needs to get a hold of a friend just call me. I even gave her my new number so she can call me if she needs to talk to me. I'm compelled to help but I don't know how plus this is their decision not mine. Should I turn my back on her and let her suffer since she left me for the guy or should I help her by giving her advice and listening to her problems? I haven't talk to her since my b-day and I'm not waiting on the phone for her to call. But a part of me want to hold her and tell her that its ok and god will help her get thru this. But I also feel she's calling me cause she needs my love and cause she is broken up with him. My family and friends are scared for me, they are thinking that she might tell her family that it is mine. Any comments or thoughts will be greatly appreaciated. Thanks...

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Your story gave me goosebumps, I dunno why.

You must be quite a guy to still be able to speak to her after what she put you through.

Remember that everything that happens, well it happens for a reason. If you feel that you are not going to get back togehter with her, and that she is just using you for comfort and you are OK with it, then be there for her. But DONT SABOTAGE YOUR OWN SELF.

I mean dont go out of your way, she needs you the SHE NEEDS YOU, but always remember what about when you NEEDED HER? Where did she go?

Look out for yourself and for your interests! Remember dont let her too close.

If you wana chat PM me

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Hey, i believe the best think is not to put yourself on the line for this girl. It is not a revenge thing but you got to look out for yourself first. karma has basically caught up with her. Dont put all your esteem and energy into been there as she basically is using you as a comfort zone till she get s back after which she will abscond without a thank you. Just be careful as i am talking from experience. I went through the same with my ex. she dumped me only to realize things werent going well fro her and decided she could contact me. I could write a whole book about what she did, but i found it extremely disrespectful of her trying to even contact me. I made her know i had moved on and she basically has to deal with her own problems as i dealt with mine.

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I guess even though she had hurt me so so much... A part of me still loves her. But I think of the things she said and did to me and I feel sad because If I was the father of the baby she is carrying I won't say that to her. She let a good relationship down the drain and I loved her unconditionally but she didn't see that I guess... So the best things to do is not let her too close again to my heart right? Thanks for the insight.

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Ye buddy,


dont become a shoulder for her to cry on. Who give you a shoulder to lean on when she sacked you? Now that she is tasting the shittier end of the stick she now realises what she had before. Let her suffer, you did you fair share of suffering because of her....its her time now.....I believe in Karma.....it all comes back to ya. Dont treat her badly but dont become too available to her. Dont be a sucker/punk it never works in your favor....trust me she will leave you high and dry again after she is emotionally filled from you again. People dont change.....later dude

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