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THREE TIMES, all cut from the same mold...

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I must be going about this the wrong way. I told 3 guys that I liked them and was interested in getting to know them in three different ways, but they continue to basically ignore me. Here is the pertinent details:


1. I told directly to his face. He isn't in any of my classes, thankfully but he ignores me at lunch and other times i pass him in the hall.


2. Through a note, which note he then proceeded to show everybody. And i found that out through my friend, he didn't even bother REPLYING to my note.


3. Through a friend. He is in my english class, and manages to somehow look through me, even when i'm right there.


Bugs the heck out of me, but I'm not about to make any move in their direction (by move i mean literally, a move, as in shuffling my feet in his general direction) if they don't even bother to acknowledge my existence. None of these three I knew very well, so I probably freaked 'em out. (#1 i KNOW i did) and it is really embarrassing to remember them, but I'm trying to learn from my mistakes.


Can you give me any advice, thought, or even scoldings? I feel like such a loser.

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There's an old saying. "It takes 10 No's before you get 1 YES". Don't be discouraged, keep on trying. However, you are doing the right things. Send out feelers, If they don't respond positively at least you know before going up and asking them directly.


Like you said this is a learning experience. Don't take life to personally it's to damn short. If your looking for places where you will find guys more receptive I suggest you join a club with your interests or get more involved in things which you enjoy. They way you will be surrounded by people who have similar interest (Already you will blend together) and it will be a great icebreaker.


Just an idea.

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