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Just ran into ex's friend

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Like the title said. I ran into my ex's friend. If I had seen her first then I would have "hid/fled" but she saw me and approached me. We had a semi-brief chat which I shut down (I was just leaving the store anyways and had somewhere I had to go - plus, leave on a high note) The friend was a little flirty actually and as we were talking she removed her jacket with much fanfare (?!?!)


If I do say so myself I was in good form and dressed nice and was witty and charming etc. I asked her about how her summer went and I mentioned something we had talked about before (when we used to all hang out together - thereby proving that I was actually listening and interested in what she had to say etc)


To my credit, I didn't mention my ex (as in "how is she" or "say hi" or whatever) Even though the thought did sort of cross my mind.


My question


On a scale of 1 to 10, how likely is it that the friend will mention to my ex that she saw and talked to me.


And yes, I have no idea why I'm asking this...I shouldn't care...but I do.

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Being a woman, I would say 10 -- there's no way that she won't mention this to your ex at some point. How long it's going to take to get back to her depends on how close they are of friends...but I'd bet money she will find out about this encounter. The story may be modfied (ie - the flirting part will be taken out), but it will get back to her nonetheless!

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