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how do i know if im gay????

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fantazing about men. Have you been watch gay pron, or have you seen two men kissing or making out, wel your young and your hormones now start to kick in, thereforeeee because you have fantazing about men and not female you probably a bit confussed. So decide who you want to be attracted too in the early and work towards that stop been attracted to me stop thiinking about men. If this going on been attracted too men goes on for a long period of time then you may be gay. Ok

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I wouldn't worry about being gay too much.....your hormones are JUST kicking in, which is going to cause all sorts of new, weird stuff to happen. I don't know of a single person that hasn't once wondered what it would be like to be with someone of the same sex, whether they admit it or not!


Relax....if you still like girls, you shouldn't worry about such a heavy thing right now. Let your body adjust to the changes its going through. It'll take awhile, but once you're finished with the changes, I think things will become a little clearer for you!



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Well, I think you are learing about desires. All boys and men and women and girls have thoughts that make them feel uncomfortable. That is natural.


This is my advice, and I'm religious, just so you know.


First, I find many women and men attractive. There is nothing wrong with that. I am a heterosexual but I still find some men attractive, that I hope to look like in some ways as I get older. Richard Gere, Matt Damon, these are good lookin guys! That's okay to admit!


If your thoughts are sexual, you will probably have random thoughts like this your whole life. Jeez, just searching the web and you bump into pictures that are very disturbing. Again, this happens to everyone.


Now, you have a choice. What do you want to be? Because you will have the final say on anything. Your urges cannot overwhelm you if you don't allow them to.


I believe (this is MY belief, not most peoples) that gay men make a choice just as heterosexual men make a choice on who to be with. So, don't think that because you have thoughts of men that you are "gay". If that was the case, all men would be "gay".


So, don't forget, an urge does not define you. Your CHOICES do.

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