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Great Time Talking...


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So me and this girl have been hanging out a whole bunch. We get along really well. Normally with most girls I make moves and can hook up for the night... not too big of a problem... but this girl, well first off she is definitely playing a bit hard to get (at the same time being very inviting, god its hot). She is beautiful. Like... Heidi Klum beautiful... and its got me so nervous around her. Its so bizarre.


So my mind goes nuts when I'm around her, everything I do I seem like I'm trying to send a good message. Obviously I'm overthinking, cuz normally I don't have many problems with girls. We are getting dinner tomorrow night, but for the past 4 nights we've been hanging out, getting closer and closer. I fear rejection from her, I feel as if I go for the kiss I'm going to lose her as a friend...


She obviously likes me, but as a friend or if she actually likes me, I'm unsure. She sends all the signals but she is not a very flirtatious girl. I'm gonna ask her out I guess at dinner tomorrow. She definitely is making time to do dinner with me tomorrow, so says something. I'm just overthinking... what is a way to calm down? I'm really excited about this girl.


Meanwhile on the other hand, there is this beautiful girl who I've been hooking up with. I think she is fun, but she isn't... dating material if you know what I mean. How do I shake her off? I don't wanna be rude.



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