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Is there ever real hope?


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I read Superdaves posts all the time, I should have done NC last year when we broke up but didnt, I added him to my favorites on here, you can do that too, you'll learn to navigate around here in no time lol. read all his posts. pretty insightful.

bf has a compute shop and I work there with him. thats not the problem of the jealousy. In the past when we were engaged I was very jealous of him. he has a promiscuous past, and i had low self esteem etc. His past shouldnt matter but I made him feel bad about for fear of him cheating on me or who knows what. I really and truly fell for this guy, prob for the first time in my life I was really in love. I went into panic mode, Theres just too much to list. so many things happened. He was the first person who really loved me back. I allowed my fears to rule my thoughts. this has ruined his trust for me and in turn he doesnt trust me w/ his heart anymore. We always said we would grow old together. I can't imagine him never in my life again Do you love your wife like that? Have you forgotten why you fell in love with her in the first place? Sometimes we think were doing just fine and meeting peoples needs and expectations, but in reality we arent. I dont know. Everything baffles me these days.

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You know I used to love my wife like that but everything has changed so much in the last two years, that i do not feel the same for her that i felt before. she has become a different person I used to think that we would grow old together in fact that is how i proposed to her telling her that is what i wanted to do is grow old with her. But now I don't feel that way anymore I wish i knew how to feel that way again but I don't. You may be right about your bf with a promiscuous past I have always believed that people do not change for ever only in spurts.

But like you said only time will tell

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