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Bf leaving for school.. want to do something special 4 him

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my boyfriend leaves for school in about 2 weeks. its only a 45 min drive, so if i was dying to see him i could. but with me working full time and his school schedule i know we arent gunna see ea.other as much as we used to... sooooo i want to do soemthing extra for him. and im a present, something materalistic or taking him out... something fun before he has to concentrate on school. any ideas would be wonderrrful!!


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spend time with him. plan a whole day where you 2 will be together and do nothing but have fun. i dont know if you two are athletic or anything but alot of guys would like if you planned a football game at the park with a bunch of friends. or plan a day to go to disneyland or something. i think that the best thing you could do is just spend all day with him. the memory will be worth more to him then anything else you could give him.

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I agree with Dan. Time is the best present.


Some of my favorite college gifts from friends:

1. Care package full of goodies/supplies so that during mid-terms/finals I didn't have to worry about stocking up.

2. A photo album of all the good times we've shared.

3. CD of "our" songs.

4. Stuffed animal who's authorized to "hug" me when my love can't be there.

5. Phone calls (just because!)


If you can send him a variation of these things in small amounts every month just to let him know you're thinking about him, I'm sure that would make him feel really special.

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