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Aww crap...am I really screwed?

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At the bottom of this post, I will give show you guys what poem I wrote to my friend. I like her a lot...and well she wanted some space so I gave it to her. Then after like 6 months...I started bringing it up again. She seemed fine with it so I gave her a poem. After I gave it to her...she didn't talk to me. She still hasn't and has been avoiding me ever since. What do I do? What does this mean? any options? Here is the poem...

somebody is thinking of you.

somebody is caring about you.

somebody wants to be with you

somebody hopes you aren't in trouble

somebody wants to hold your hand

somebody is praying for you.

somebody hopes everything turns out alright

somebody wants you to be happy

somebody wants you to find him

somebody wants to give you a gift

somebody hopes you're not too cold, and not too hot

somebody wants to hug you.

somebody loves you.

somebody is thinking of you and smiling.

somebody wants to be your shoulder to cry on.

somebody wants to go out with you and have a lot of fun.

somebody wants you to believe in yourself and know they believe in you

somebody wants you to know you are always in his heart

somebody wants you to know that you are a part of him...no matter how near or close you may be...

somebody is your friend

somebody misses you more than you know

Somebody hopes you don't already have a date to the prom and if not…

Somebody hopes that you will go with him…and that

Somebody is me

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If you're not close to her yet, she may see you as obsessing over her.


I'd take it down a notch, get to know her well before writing her any more heavy pieces like that. If you must though, try something funny and light hearted instead.

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