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and then there's a date?

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I met a girl through a mutual friend. A week later I asked if we

could get together. We both talked about our work schedules and

days off. She seemed flexible enough for me to pick a day. I pick

a day (first try). Later, she ask if we can reschedule (for another

day). I pick another day (second try). She asked again, if we can

reschedule (for next week). Next week would be the third week,

since we met, to try to get together. I haven't responded.


I would like to give this a third try--and if it doesn't work out,

I'll start to forget it. However, I'm not into me picking a day,

and her saying that day won't work, can we reschedule--it's getting

old. So, how can this be done?


I'm thinking of emailing my work schedule to her (letting her know

about it again), and asking her to pick a day, because I believe I

can be more accomodating. Thus, she'll know when she's available

and I don't have to go on with choosing a day, that may or may not

work out.


It's frustrating because I can't see why, with my choosing the wrong days, she can't just tell me what would be a good day for her.



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I don't know but I feel that there is something more to that, there is a reason she not meeting you, has she told you that she likes you or anything like that?


Why not ask the friend who you're both with about if she has said anything to them.


Don't really like the idea of you doing all the chasing and her keep changing, tell her when she is free, just on contact you. That way the ball is in her court.

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She hasn't said whether she likes me or not and at this point I don't expect her to say anything like that, since I can't say whether I like her or not either.


I was thinking of asking our mutual friend more about her. I'm not sure what to really ask though. I was thinking maybe, what was the girl's relationship history like. I'm not going to ask my friend whether the girl likes me or not, because I can't say whether I like the girl or not.


Yeah, I'll let her choose a day. That's what other people have also been suggesting.



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Hey mate you only live once ; okay here is what I think ..she is thinking this guy is a loser ..okay ..so prove her wrong , make it a fun thing don’t take it so seriously …if she wont come to you hey you got to her ..ask her which days she says she is free ..she will say blah blah …just say fine then will go out then ..she will say okay (I am assuming cause she has been atleast ready to go out with you) then don’t like call her and stuff reach her office with a bunch of flowers (not roses ..lol .) and tickets for a movie or show or smthing ..like let her make it obvious that she dosent want to go out with you …it will be funny to see her squirm out of that ..sometimes people cant make up there minds ..u justhave to help them


Bottom line be aggressive ; be a man and make the action happen hey what do you have to lose accept your pride ..as long as you can see the funny side ..not like you are marrying her you just want to date her ..if u don’t make it a big deal .you will be surprised ..


I once went up to this girl I really liked (and I am shy okay ) but I really liked her so I was like going to the law ball and she was like yeah , so I was like what time should I pick ypu up and she had this really astonished look on her face but then after that she was like around 8 ..see I was scared to but I went with to hell with it all kind of attitude ..it worked

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