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My friend ask me this question but I don't know what to say to him!,

So I'm asking you if you can tell me so I can tell my friend a fair answer!

He has this problem- He's like become adicted ( or something like that!)

to whatch nude girls. He whants to stop, so he ask me!- If you can tell me I'll really thank you!

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Sounds like he's going through a phase of puberty, or he's finding an interest in nude women. It's normal to be interested in the opposite sex, and that some times includes nudity and things of a sexual nature. If it becomes too much of a problem, have your friend seek couseling, or have a good long talk with him to let him know it's natural, but if it's becoming and obsession, that's not healthy.

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Tell him to just stop. If he doesn't want to watch porn then tell him not to. As for fantisizing about women that is a bit more difficult. It is natural for boys going through puberty to fantisize about women and it isn't really in his control. His body is going through changes. Everntually he will learn to deal with it and control his hormones, at least somewhat.

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Hey mate nothing is wrong with thinking about sex constantly. I'm pretty sure on average guys think about sex once every 17 seconds or something, its normal to mentally undress every sexy lady you see and to want to see as much nudity as possible, or at least....its normal for me and my mates

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