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A little diddy~~~



If Wishes were Dreams


Everynight I pray that I wake by your side

and everday I wake I know I will be praying that night

So when you ask me if I love you

and I just turn away

Im just a man

and those words I cant say

So please dont get angry

its just my foolish pride

I may not say the words

but my feelings never hide




So if wishes were dreams

and dreams came true

I would spread my wings

and fly away with you.

Take you to my heart

that beats for two

that is where I would go

if my dreams came true


Like the water from the mountains

that reaches the sea'

we will be together forever.

I know that we'll be.

And If I never say those

words you need me to say,

I will show you what they mean

day after day.

So stop all of those cries

and leave those past good-byes




So if wishes were dreams

and dreams came true

I would dream of

all the things we could do

I would take you to a place

to start a new.

That is what I would do

if dreams came true.


And everynight I dreamthat I wake by your side

and everyday I wake, I know I will be dreaming that night.

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