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Can she really Love Me


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well why did she wait 13 years to tell that?

anyway, personnally i don't think there's such thing as "the one for me". tere are people you can love and have great moments with, but i don't believe ou own them and they own you. we are born alone and stay one person all our life, it took me 21 yars to realise that even if i felt like i was just half of someone this feeling is bullshit. so maybe you'll have great time ithg that woman, maybe ou'll spend all your life with her, but in my opinion there is nothing more behind it. just enjoy life when you can is my new motto.

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I met her just about a 6 months ago, she had a dream of me when she was young and carried it with her until we met. She and I lived in different states until just awhile ago. All I know is that I am madly IN love with her, and she was warned that if she told me anything about her feelings while she is still in a current relationship (which she is supposed to be done with offically as of next month), that she would lose me. So she told my Mother what she couldn't tell me.

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Okay what if 2 years into your relationship she like has another dream..Lol


Better make sure that she stops dreaming, I mean relationships are supposed to be based on concrete factors ..


Don’t get sucked into this I had a dream thingy because if she leaves u hanging dry tomorrow then you will be the one facing the music ..



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