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Online dating stories

Vanilla Swiss Roll

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I have read numerous stories (while my chef rolls me up by the way), where everyone is doing this online dating thing. There are LDR's, on-line dating and then there are real life dating. Real Life dating as in you didn't meet that person from on-line..you met them elsewhere. Grocerystore or the like.


So I'm wondering....does on-line dating make it easy or difficult for the general public?

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I can´t speak for the general public, but for myself.


I found a wonderful man online this very year. First it was "online dating" I suppose since we exchanged emails instead of going out for a beer, because of the distance.


We managed to meet. We fell in love.


Now I´m going to see him, for the second time.


Is not easy, but things are not bad at all between us.


Does that answer your question?

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