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What do i want from life?

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man guys, i have been thinking a lot lately and i am not sure about... well life. i am going to college in the fall to a private college that is one of the best in the northwest region. im happy and excited that i got accepted, received some scholarships... etc... and i know i will do well and all that. I am considering education as a major, but i am having MAJOR second thoughts about it. i simply don't think it is something i will be interested in doing.


I will complete my first year at this school, but after, i am very much considering going to a community college outside of my town(college i will be attending is in my home town) after my first year at this 4-year school. i know i am more than capable of coompleting a degree at this 4-year college. i just don't think i will honestly be happy going here for the next 4 years. do u guys ever just have the feeling that u want to do something simpler? something that will make your life less complicated and more fulfilling in certain ways? i think about it all the time.


i don't think life should be based on what kind of education u decide to get or anything like that, but it is the one of the key starting points in figuring out what u want to do for the rest of your life. the way i look at it, a lot of people will go to a 4-year college and get a degree just to prove they can do it. but i have been feeling lately, "y do i have to prove anything to anybody?" i am just looking for advice on what would be the best decision and what would personally make u guys happy if u were put in this kind of predicament. especially from those who have been in my situation and those of u who have done community and/or a 4-year college.

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yeah im basically going to college cuz well in todays society u have to otherwise u will be making no money at all... also cuz my parents expect it from it... also cuz it gives me a sense of accomplishment..


after college i have no clue what i want to do or where to do it. ive recently been thinking about just packing it up and moving to Fiji.. very far away from here!

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I had the tough choice of picking a school based on there baseball program. I could have went to a junior college and then went on to a bigger d1 school or go right to a 4 year and get an education. Community colleges don't really hold the same weight as a 4 year, however, depending on the job u want to get it won't make to much of a difference. To me all my degrees tell employers is that I am capable and willing to learn new things. Since markets change so fast because of the mass globilization really broad knowledge, experience, and your willingness to learn will be the major things employers look for.

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