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After the mystery "Call" hang-up calls on my cell phone that started again last week and the week before, suddenly tonight I get a text message. "What cha been up to?" at about 6:30. All this time, I have not tried to contact him AT ALL, and have blocked him from AIM so he can't see me. So what's up with this?


I haven't responded yet. Between the hang-ups and seeing as text messaging is not something we generally did, I'd say he's scared to talk to me. LOL! But I figure:


a)...he's trying to resolve his guilt...


b)...he wants his stuff back (then why not just email me or call me with that request?)


c)...he regrets his decision (too little, too late...)


d)...he feels like I may not love him anymore (even as just a friend) and his insecurities are trying to get that back again even if getting back together is not what he wants...


e)...he's freaking out that I may actually be moving on this time and no longer allowing him to be center of my universe...LOL!


Probably a combination of the above. I can't imagine his head's in any better a place than it was seven weeks ago. The next few weeks should be interesting, but I'm going to continue on with my life as I know it now.


I won't text him back until the morning. I want him to sleep on it...besides, I've always made things way too easy and comfortable for him, and even he's said I shouldn't let him get away with some of the crap he pulls. Well, I'm not anymore...post-mortem.


But it's not really games either because *I* want to sleep on it too...I've been so there for him...too there for him...and now I need to concentrate more on myself and what I need and want in my life. We've been through this before. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

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I replied to my ex a million times after putting up with all his BS, lol never changed my guy didnt change after 10 weeks! So now I just changed my number, so when he does decide to give me some attention it will be more like "Sorry this number no longer exists, please check the number and dial again....."


All I have to say for guys like that is "CRY ME A RIVER"

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hello you have replied to one of my problems and i must say it sounds like a similar situation. it really does seem like the right thing for you to do is to not reply. especially if you have broken up and gotten back together several times before. Leave him in suspense for once. It seems like he expects you to always be there and you have to show him that that is not the case. you seem like a really strong person and its good to hear you say that you need to start worrying about yourself and what you need to do. I can totally relate.

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