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no one understands...


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i've posted before but my problems are only growing. i know this isn't a quick fix place, but it's one of the few places i feel like i can at least go to with all this. i really like someone, a girl but of course, she has a boyfriend. i've gotten to know her since april and i really don't feel like just walking away. i mean i'm not trying to steal her away, and i'm not just trying to be friends either...i just want to get to know her and make the most out of each time we talk. but my life is so worthless and i sometimes think of running away or even suicide(sometimes) all around me i see people like pretty girls and they are always with guys who are better than me. over the weekend i went to atlanta for a college fair with a group of people from my school. i only went to try to be more open and all but...it didn't really go so well. walking in the crowds, i would feel so nervous and inferior to everyone around me. then when we went to a football game, i felt so miserable, i felt hardly any emotions but sadness. it was beacause i felt so alone...at least, emotionally. i tried not to show the others how i felt but i don't think they cared anyway. if i do run away, i'm going out in the middle of nowhere. i mean, i won't feel happy, but at least i'll be away from everyone who does have a reason to live. but still...i don't want to give up, but it feels like my life is all for nothing. also...God, who's supposed to help all kinds of people forgets about me too. my prayers are never answered and yes, i know all prayers aren't always going to be answered, but mine are NEVER answered. it hurts, and at 21, i feel like this is all my life is ever gonna be. i can't stand this lonliness anymore.


i'm really trying to make things better...but it's all in vain. bye for now.

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Looks to me as though your in a depression stage, you should see the doctor who can prob help. Thats what they are there for.


I can understand where your coming from. Look at your self in the mirror and thinking whats the point!!. Right???


Well Hun all I can say is there so some many people in your place and at the end of the day you have to think to your self its not the end of the world and one day you will look back and laugh at how silly you were being.


You need to start to think and act positive cos that is only when good things happen, it might sound a bit crazy at the moment but believe me. If you think bad and feel bad then you're asking for bad things to happen. But think positive and act positive and watch the difference.

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Hey, I understand that you're feeling down, but you have to pick yourself up, stop feeling and start doing. Do something positive, do something to get yourself out of that funk. About the girl, she's not the one who's going to make you feel better about yourself...only you can do that.


Don't rely on God to make things happen, you have to make things happen yourself. Only you have control over your own life. So take responsibility for your actions...or your inactions.


I don't mean to sound harsh, but sometimes we need to hear these things. We all go through ups and downs in life...and when we're down, we may think it'll never get better...but it does.


Make some changes in your life. Even if it's one change a day...or one change a week. Something that'll make you feel good about yourself. Only when you feel good about yourself will you draw people to you. If you feel unable to do this, then I urge you to seek help...it's out there, it's up to you to reach out and make things happen.

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I agree 110% with Wonderwoman. You have to start doing things! Get yourself out there among people and practice socializing. Join new activities, volunteer to give back to the community, and meet new people. This all will give your life new meaning.


I promise you that God isn't punishing you or failing to answer your prayers. It's just life happening, and I believe every human being is capable of turning their lives around! You can do it.. just trust yourself and in time, things will get better. Help yourself, and you will see positive results!


Best wishes.

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I agree wtih everyone else. I too have this prob. getting into severe depression and I had an episode just like this 3 weeks ago. I wanted to kill myself, end my college career, my dreams, eventually if I did kill myself then I would have ended a relationship with my family, friends and my fiancee. Keep your head up and think positive, good things come to those who wait.



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I have gone thrugh that too, it would have to be 3 weeks for me. But I tryed to kill my self but my room mate stoped me (he had to tacke me to stop me) and now I feel better with my self. Dont try to kill your self becouse if you dont your life will be changed for ever, and dont run from your problems that will just make you feel worse. The whole thing about God not lisen to you. The day before I tryed to kill my self I yelled at god told him he is worthless ect. ect. ect. But I now see more clearly about things. It is hard to explane how it feels. But hold on you will soon be out of it. I wish you the best of luck in your life and I hope that you will be over your depression soon.



P.S. You may p.m. me or send emails to me if you need to talk to someone that has gone thrugh what you are going thrugh.

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