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hey all...

do you believe that it is fair to have such a frienship as friends with benefits?


***(if youve not come accross this term i mean to be just friends but explore sexually with them as if in a relationship?~obviously each cuple within this sets the boundaries)***


dependant upon the answer what are the benefits and let downs to this?


thanks for those who can help


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I think it just needs to be understood by both people that they are just that, friends with benefits. My friend was with this guy, and she thought they were dating, but he apparently just wanted to be friends with benefits, she was a lot more into than he was. It just depends on the people and what they are willing to do and commit or not commit to each other.

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I don't think there's anything wrong with it, I had a "friend with benefits" for three years on the understanding that he didn't want anything more. As long as both sides are amenable to that situation, I think it's fine. The let-downs? When one side starts to feel more than just a need for sex and wants the whole relationship, and the other side doesn't. If you can get past that, and firmly know that this is what the relationship is going to be, then there's no harm in it. Just know that, at some point, one or the other of you may meet someone and that "benefit" is suddenly cut off......are you prepared for the aftereffects?

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Friends with benifits can be a good thing, if you are mentally able to deal with that. I tried being in that type of relationship, and I wasn't able to handle it. I wanted more from the other guy, and he just wasn't prepared to give it to me. I thankfully didn't get myself so disillusioned on the idea that if I kept having sex with him, one day he'd actually want to commit to me, and I just decided to end it. The sad thing is, we haven't spoken since, and I'm not sure why. I would have liked it to end better than this, but I guess the true feelings come out in the end.

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It's really hard to say. Some people are strong enough to accept it.


Most of the time however, some women do tend to attach sex with love, while other women don't.


That's why there's that old saying, "Women give sex to get love, while men give love to have sex"...


I know it's cliche, but it really depends on the situation...

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