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For all you that don't know my story, you can read my earlier posts. In short, I struggled through a breakup after a 4 year relationship. It has been almost 6 months since and it is nearly impossible to express my relief and joy in words.


I am Happy


The funniest thing about being happy is that 6 months ago, I thought that I would NEVER make it through this. I felt like my life lost all meaning and there basically wasn't anything left to live for. I became a zombie. For weeks I barely ate, slept, and worked. I can honestly say that the first 3 months were the most miserable time of my life.


Well...why am I so happy now? I am estatic about finding myself again, about being the great person that I was before the relationship. I have regained confidence, self-esteem, and laughter. Moreover, during the time of my relationship, I was a heavy duty smoker who tried to quit many times but failed, yet I was successful on my very first try after the breakup (Ironically, it was the stress caused by the ex that kept me smoking).


As time passed, whenever I thought about my ex, I would make or add to a list of qualities that I disliked about him. These not-so endearing qualities made me realize that my ex is not perfect, not even close. I am looking forward to meeting someone who will closer meet the criteria of what I want in a partner (and this is possible).


For the many of you that have suffered a breakup, believe me when I tell you this....it WILL get better. No matter how dark and lonely your world may be, know that one day, at the snap of a finger, you will be able to say to your ex..."I'm over you". At that moment, the world will seem the brightest and you will feel hopeful. When that happens, you will be where I am, looking forward to explore the wonders of the new world and experience realms of love that just wasn't meant to be in your old life.

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